(Or worse, someone who seriously ships Hermione and Malfoy.) If you’ve discovered that you are, in fact, on a date with a Harry Potter hater, the important thing to do is not to panic or make any sudden movements. For a limited time only, save 20% on all Hogwarts House products on the Harry Potter Shop. Since their dog is already named Hagrid and their cat is called Minerva, you know he isn’t kidding about this one either. Now, when they’re up late on the Internet, you never worry about what she’s looking at, because you know it’s probably HP-related.
Play Round Four of Quiz Championship: Hogwarts house pride edition
I know Severus Snape is a very polarizing figure amongst the Harry Potter fandom, but J.K. I can’t help but wonder how Severus would’ve changed for the better if he realized that his views on muggleborns were vile and his friends were bigots. I imagine that if Severus was in a happy relationship with Lily, he would not have had such a temper and wouldn’t have felt the need to bully his students at Hogwarts. Plus, Severus and Lily were both pretty powerful, so I imagine that they would’ve been formidable fighters in the war against Lord Voldemort. Rowling never had Cho Chang and Harry Potter wind up together at the end of the series. Both Cho and Harry have lost loved ones at very young ages, and struggled with their grief.
Most Harry Potter fans have the Harry Potter books. That may sound obvious, but where they keep their books should tell you something about how much of a fan they are. Or are they lying around on the floor (not necessarily a bad thing — they could be in the middle of rereading them)? Wherever they keep their books, here’s hoping that you and your very special wizard or witch make it to date number two. Because they clearly like you enough to go on a date, and that means that they need to know if this thing has any potential.
Your Couples Costumes Are Always Inspired By Harry Potter
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She instantly knew when he needed space in Deathly Hallows and had the right words to soothe him after Sirius Black passed away in Order of the Phoenix. Plus, both Daniel Radcliffe and Evanna Lynch had great chemistry in the films, while the sparks failed to fly between Daniel and his other co-star Bonnie Wright. Radcliffe’s role in the Harry Potter series turned him into a global star, and a multimillionaire. He appeared in all eight Harry Potter films, opposite Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.
As cute as the relationship between Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks was in canon, I always thought that Remus was going to wind up with Sirius Black. They had some great chemistry in Prisoner of Azakaban, and I always wondered if Remus was secretly in love with Sirus—and vice versa. Rowling never put them together, it would’ve been interesting if Sirius and Remus had started dating after the events of Prisoner of Azakaban and Sirius still died at the end of Order of the Phoenix.
Being a response writer is really interesting because you get to read other people’s takes or views and then respond with something that you make your own. That, and your responses can vary in the subject matter. For example, sometimes I post listicles about books or movies while other times I talk about personal experiences. I feel like I can really talk about things that I am opinionated and passionate about without judgment. If you’re in the majority of geeks who are a little bit introverted , dating can be for intimidating.
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MuggleNet also posts essays to explore the series and its real-life history, hosts multiple podcasts, and publishes exclusive interviews. You could easily lose plenty of hours scrolling through the site. It considers itself a research base for Harry Potter, with plenty of information about characters, places, magic, events, creatures, and more. Apparently, Rowling herself has even visited and enjoyed the site. Whether you wish to know more about spells, characters, animals, location, cast, or anything Potter-related you can imagine, it’s here.
But bigs don’t just shower you with presents, they introduce you to new people and things. I didn’t really know anyone in my new sorority other than the girls I met through rush. Even though I was happy with my decision and knew that I belonged, I was still nervous to start meeting everyone and attending the events. Blair has the most impeccable style and she would without a doubt require her citizens to adopt her fashion sense. I’d give it a week before every girl in the state started matching their headbands to their handbags. „We’ve been seeing each other for a few months, it’s good.“ The following year, they announced their engagement, but in 2012, they sadly ended their relationship.